Amherst, Massachusetts is a vibrant small college town (total population ~38,000) that is home to a large flagship State university (UMass, Amherst) and two small colleges (Amherst and Hampshire Colleges). With a combined student population greater than 29,000, Amherst has one of the highest relative student populations of any college town in the US . The student housing market has led to speculation by absentee landlords who are purchasing homes in family neighborhoods and converting them into rentals. This has contributed to inflated housing prices that prevent low- and moderate-income families from purchasing homes in Amherst. By making homes more affordable, the ACLT hopes to slow or even reverse the loss of year-round residents and thus stabilize sustainable neighborhoods for all residents.

Affordability is an issue throughout Amherst, and the ACLT is exploring projects throughout Amherst neighboroods.

AmherstNeighborMap.flat4Amherst Woods

Central Amherst


East Amherst

Echo Hill

North Amherst

Orchard Valley

South Amherst
