Community Land Trust Overview (from Wikipedia)

The community land trust (CLT) is an equitable and sustainable model of affordable housing and community development that has slowly spread throughout the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom during the past 40 years. …. The prototype for the modern-day community land trust was formed in 1969 near Albany, Georgia by leaders of the southern civil rights movement seeking a new way to achieve secure access to land for African American Farmers.

Directory of CLTs Around the Country (Schumacher Center for New Economics). Massachusetts CLTs (~30), Vermont CLTs (~11)

2′ Video: Portland, Oregon CLT Video (Portland CLT Website)

15′ Narrated Slideshow: Roots of the CLT (ch 2): From the National CLT Network

(Links to Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4)

40′ Video: Homes and Hands: Community Land Trusts in Action (by Helen Cohen and Debra Chasnoff, 40 minutes).

 Movie Trailer: “Streets of Dreams” (Open Studio Productions).

CLT Powerpoint, State College, PA (PDF, Powerpoint)

National CLT Network Website (CLT Tools Page)

CLT Technical Manual (Everything you need to know about CLTs, 481 page PDF)

Roots And Branches (A Gardener’s Guide to the Origins and Evolution of the Community Land Trust)

Community Land Trust Overview (from Wikipedia)

The community land trust (CLT) is an equitable and sustainable model of affordable housing and community development that has slowly spread throughout the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom during the past 40 years. …. The prototype for the modern-day community land trust was formed in 1969 near Albany, Georgia by leaders of the southern civil rights movement seeking a new way to achieve secure access to land for African American Farmers.

Directory of CLTs Around the Country (Schumacher Center for New Economics). Massachusetts CLTs (~30), Vermont CLTs (~11)

2′ Video: Portland, Oregon CLT Video (Portland CLT Website)

15′ Narrated Slideshow: Roots of the CLT (ch 2): From the National CLT Network

(Links to Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4)

40′ Video: Homes and Hands: Community Land Trusts in Action (by Helen Cohen and Debra Chasnoff, 40 minutes).

 Movie Trailer: “Streets of Dreams” (Open Studio Productions).

CLT Powerpoint, State College, PA (PDF, Powerpoint)

National CLT Network Website (CLT Tools Page)

CLT Technical Manual (Everything you need to know about CLTs, 481 page PDF)

Roots And Branches (A Gardener’s Guide to the Origins and Evolution of the Community Land Trust)